
Данный функционал предоставляет возможность отправлять json-данные на внешний URL-адрес, методом POST, Content type: 'json'=>'application/json'.

  • Заявка создана

  • Заявка переадресована

  • Заявка заблокирована

  • Заявка разблокирована

  • Заявка выполнена

  • Заявка не выполнена

  • Заявка ожидает проверки

  • Заявка проверена

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  • Заявка восстановлена

  • Заявка прокомментирована

  • Заявка отредактирована

Пример JSON:

  "ticket": {
    "code": "E3XK",
    "prio": "normal",
    "status": "lock",
    "text": "Body text with attachments.\r\nРусский текст.",
    "subject": "Message with attachments",
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    "created_at": "2019-06-07 10:01:46",
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        "dt": "2019-06-07 10:01:46"
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        "dt": "2019-06-09 21:06:01"
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        "dt": "2019-06-09 21:06:45"
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        "dt": "2019-06-09 21:28:20"
        "author": {
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        "dt": "2019-06-09 21:29:56"
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        "dt": "2019-06-09 21:31:29"
        "author": {
          "email": "test111@zenlix.com",
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        "action": "comment",
        "dt": "2019-06-09 21:34:30"
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        "action": "comment",
        "dt": "2019-06-09 21:38:04"
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        "action": "comment",
        "dt": "2019-06-09 21:40:13"
        "author": {
          "email": "test111@zenlix.com",
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            "email": "test111@zenlix.com"
        "action": "comment",
        "dt": "2019-06-09 21:41:10"
        "author": {
          "email": "test111@zenlix.com",
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        "action": "comment",
        "dt": "2019-06-09 22:03:03"
        "author": {
          "email": "test111@zenlix.com",
          "profile": {
            "full_name": "System Account",
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          "contacts": {
            "email": "test111@zenlix.com"
        "action": "comment",
        "dt": "2019-06-09 22:09:21"
        "author": {
          "email": "test111@zenlix.com",
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            "email": "test111@zenlix.com"
        "action": "comment",
        "dt": "2019-06-09 22:10:05"
        "author": {
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            "email": "test111@zenlix.com"
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        "dt": "2019-06-09 22:10:52"
        "author": {
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        "action": "comment",
        "dt": "2019-06-09 22:11:34"
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        "action": "comment",
        "dt": "2019-06-09 22:12:57"
        "author": {
          "email": "test111@zenlix.com",
          "profile": {
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          "contacts": {
            "email": "test111@zenlix.com"
        "action": "comment",
        "dt": "2019-06-09 22:14:43"
        "author": {
          "email": "test111@zenlix.com",
          "profile": {
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            "email": "test111@zenlix.com"
        "action": "comment",
        "dt": "2019-06-09 22:18:14"
        "author": {
          "email": "test111@zenlix.com",
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          "contacts": {
            "email": "test111@zenlix.com"
        "action": "comment",
        "dt": "2019-06-09 22:19:15"
        "author": {
          "email": "test111@zenlix.com",
          "profile": {
            "full_name": "System Account",
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          "contacts": {
            "email": "test111@zenlix.com"
        "action": "comment",
        "dt": "2019-06-09 22:20:10"
        "author": {
          "email": "test111@zenlix.com",
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        "action": "comment",
        "dt": "2019-06-09 22:26:04"
        "author": {
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        "dt": "2019-06-09 22:29:02"
        "author": {
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        "dt": "2019-06-09 22:31:26"
        "author": {
          "email": "info@zenlix.com",
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          "contacts": {
            "email": "info@example.com"
        "action": "comment",
        "dt": "2019-06-09 22:57:33"
  "initial_user": {
    "email": "test111@zenlix.com",
    "profile": {
      "full_name": "System Account",
      "lang": "ru"
    "contacts": {
      "email": "test111@zenlix.com"
  "action": "action",
  "description": "message",
  "dt": "2019-06-11 11:24:18"

Last updated